Collection and management of electronic waste, discarded small and large home or office appliances, primarily for IT companies, manufacturers, distributors, users (institutions, businesses, traders who have to take back returnable packaging, private residents).

Upon request, depending on quantity, we undertake the transportation of electronic waste to our plants.

no pic placeholder Motherboards category I + expansion card
no pic placeholder Motherboards category III
no pic placeholder Motherboards category II
no pic placeholder Ceramic processors
no pic placeholder Coppery processors
no pic placeholder Winchesters
no pic placeholder Plastic processors
no pic placeholder CD-DVD drives
no pic placeholder Computers
no pic placeholder Power supplies
no pic placeholder Copiers, printers, keyboards, lap-tops
no pic placeholder Cathode ray tube device handling costs

Our plants

7773 Villány, Ady Fasor 3/a
Tel: +36 72 492-765
Fax: +36 72 592-080
7622 Pécs, Légszeszgyár u. 34.
Tel: +36 72 532-071
Fax: +36 72 532-073
7700 Mohács, Budapesti országút 12.
Tel: +36 69 510-021, +36 30 417-8062
Fax: +36 69 510 022
7634 Pécs, Edison u. 1.
Tel: + 72 522-749